He Still Speaks Now Listen

This is a transcript of my, I have a dream too, live Facebook broadcast. The broadcast was not a planned event. Someone asked me was I working on the Martin Luther King holiday. I told them yes. I had forgotten his holiday, and I am sure I am not the only one.
I recall I listened to Martin Luther King. I have had a dream speech several times during my lifetime. Today, Martin Luther King's holiday speeches would be heard in honor of what he did and what he stood for.
Tomorrow people will go on with their lives. There will be no overflow of a new mindset from the Martin Luther King Holiday. That causes a massive visible change in people's lives; there may be an individual commitment to cause a difference in the lives of others, and themselves.
I am sure some blacks do not know what Martin Luther King did and stood for. In some places, Black history is not taught. Yes, we have black history month afterward it is back to normal.
Here is part of Martin Luther King's 1963 speech; “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where there would not be judged by the color of their skin but by the contents of that character.”
I heard many voices from the white and black race-saying judging blacks by the color of their skin is going backward. I am sure we have a few that will agree, and say, What is wrong with it? It is a cause, it has more of an impact.
Some people do not believe it is wrong to steal, set fire to property, injure people, and kill others, and so on. I say to you this is wrong; it gets us nowhere I am not a crab in your basket; I do not want to be thrown into the hot water of incarceration, hospital, or a grave.
Martin Luther King, I have a dream speech reminded me of one of my sayings.
The cover of the person's book looks good, but I want to know the contents of the book, and what you say reveals your content thinking.
To make it simple we all have a physical body that is our book cover, it draws attention, but what I am interested in, is the contents within the book, and what you reveal reveals the contents of your character and morality.
As I thought about Martin Luther King's holiday, this thought came to mind; I have a dream too, from my insight about Martin Luther King's speech.
I wrote I have a dream too; maybe it's time for a new speech that people can rally, to cause people to think about their inappropriate behaviors.
I want this speech to cause every listener to think about his or her behaviors and everyday decisions.
Does your decision inspire, encourage, build up, or revive people or does it hurt, or harm them mentally or physically?
Again, I am reminded that I have a dream too.
There are others, who have a dream, and some do not, without a dream or desire to reach your true purpose in life; you will follow group-thinking dreams.
People who think they know what is best for you and me.
They do not know my dream because they never ask. My goal differs from those who have a dream.
What are your dreams our desires?
Does it benefit you are someone else?
Some people dislike sharing their dream because they do not want people praying against them, and think their dream is stupid, and not achievable.
- I have a dream too that someday I can cause a change in people’s lives.
- I have a dream too that someday people will wake up from being asleep while they are awake when they do they would see all they had missed how culture is changing, and they are to blame.
- I have a dream too that someday American blacks will quit using race as an excuse not to better themselves.
- I have a dream too that someday the American black males will take care of their responsibilities to those children they abandoned.
- I have a dream too that someday American blacks will become a family unit again whereas a black child can grow up in a two-family parent household.
- I have a dream too that someday the American blacks will realize that there are blacks in an authority position to do something do not want them to succeed because keeping blacks mentally enslaved with lies enriches them.
- I have a dream too that one day that American black females say no to any man who wants to engage in a sexual relationship before they are married.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks realize they are somebody, not stupid, or ignorant. They are here on this earth to be a blessing. They must realize they have a rich prosperous history many inventions came from the minds of black individuals. They must research their true history.
- I have a dream too that one-day young black males would abandon their desire to sell illegal drugs to their own race, resist the temptation, get a job, and go back to school if they need to.
- I have a dream too that one day the American black male realizes that black Americans before them paved the way for them to have a dream and to achieve it.
- I have a dream too that one-day the American blacks who drop out of school for whatever reason returned to get a GED, resist their pride, get an education because the lack of education prevents them from advancing in society.
- I have a dream too that one-day American blacks realized they are not useless or cannot achieve anything without government help.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks would realize that a divided race cannot stand, survive, have any strength in numbers, no power, no authority to make a change for what they are crying for, and most of all they are easily picked off.
- I have a dream too that one-day American blacks will be a blessing to those who are in need regardless of race or sex.
- I have a dream too that one day the American black male stop wearing earrings, which are a sign of being a slave, pull up their trousers, and began to be an example for young black males.
- I have a dream too that one day when any race uses the N-word for profit to insult, degrade, or demean, they should be ignored because to join them defines you. Whoever accepts their beliefs, reveals their thinking.
- I have a dream too that one day American Black females desire to be married to have a family and not out of wedlock.
- I have a dream too that one day the American black male stop impregnating females abandoning them and going to another to do the same thing.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks will come together to solve problems for the neighborhood. One person can cause a change.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks quit killing, shooting, stealing, rioting, and harming other blacks and other races.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks will climb or walk up to their mountain of thoughts and say. I want to see American blacks come together and live their true purpose and break away from anyone who tells them they lack intelligence because of their race.
- I have a dream too that one-day American blacks would not follow the thought of movie stars, singers, rappers, newscasters, talk-show hosts, politicians, their mothers, fathers, wives, and family members thinking that insults any race and uses the black race for their own causes to keep the black race on their plantation of beliefs that do not benefit them.
- I have a dream too that one day the American blacks would realize they are not monkeys or donkeys, and whatever expression used to define them. They are somebody, not a useless species to be used by any race.
- I have a dream too that one-day God will appear in those who are manifesting his mind, doing all they can do to survive in this country, under suppression from those who seek to control their thinking with fear of being arrested, kill, hurt, and so on.
- I have a dream too that one day the American people will wake up from being seduced into it is about themselves.
- I have a dream too that one-day God will execute judgment on those who think there are above the law and untouchable.
- I have a dream that one day people will see the power and authority of God. There would be no doubt that the Lord appeared.
- I have a dream too that one-day righteousness will return in a great force that people will confess their sins, turn from their wicked ways, and repent.
- I have a dream too that one-day people realize that all lives matter through the eyes of God, not a selective few.
- I have a dream too that one-day Christians will commit to following all of God's ways and thoughts.
- I have a dream too that one day the truth will manifest to such a degree that it covers the lies, rendering it powerless in the lives of those who have been captured.
- I have a dream too that one day you, and I will remember that one person from any race can cause a change.
- We all have a God-given purpose if you do not know what is, your purpose asks him.
- I have a dream too that one day you are listening and will listen to I have a dream to realize the time has come for you to have a dream too.
- I have a dream too, that one day you would share your dream, in the hope it changes the thinking of those who are mentally enslaved.
- I have a dream too that one day when I wake up. I see my dream manifesting in the lives of people who want to cause a change in others, and who are tired of the self-imposed thoughts that prevent others from trying.
- I have a dream too. That our dreams ring across this land, cause a change, and freedom would ring out from the minds of those who had or have a dream too.